Agustus 25, 2011

Pemberontak Kuasai Markas Khadafi

Pemberontak Libya telah menyerbu kompleks markas milik Presiden Moammar Khadafi di Bab Al Azizya, Tripoli. Penyerbuan dilakukan setelah melalui perlawanan sengit dengan pasukan setia Khadafi.
Stamped out: Rebels trample on a bust of Gaddafi yesterday as they screamed chants claiming that they were going to get him

"Para pemberontak menerobos gerbang Bab al-Aiziya dan sejumlah pasukan oposisi berhasil memasuki benteng pemerintah di ibukota Libya," kata koresponden, Al Jazeera, Zeina Khodr seperti dikutip dari Al Jazeera, Rabu (24/8/2011).

Aksi saling tembak dan suara desing peluru masih terus terdengar. Bahkan informasi menyebut ada gudang senjata yang sedang dijarah. Nampak seorang anggota pasukan kubu oposisi terlihat menendang dan merusak patung Khadafi di sekitar areal kompleks.

Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan radio, Khadafi mengatakan bahwa penarikan dirinya dari markas besarnya adalah 'langkah taktis' setelah markas tersebut diluluhlantakan oleh serangan udara NATO 64.

Dalam pidatonya, Khadafi berjanji mati syahid dan memperoleh kemenangan dalam perang melawan NATO.

Disebutkan ada 400 orang tewas dan 2.000 terluka dalam tiga hari pertempuran antara pemberontak dan pasukan setia kepada Khadafi di ibukota Libya, Tripoli.

Mustafa Abdel Jalil, ketua Dewan Transisi Nasional, mengatakan kepada televisi Prancis-24 bahwa 600 pasukan pro-Khadafi telah ditangkap. Jalil mengatakan bahwa Khadaffi telah melarikan diri.

"Saya berharap bahwa ia bisa ditangkap hidup-hidup sehingga dunia dapat mengetahui tentang kejahatannya," kata Jalil.


Stamped out: Rebels trample on a bust of Gaddafi yesterday as they screamed chants claiming that they were going to get him
Stamped out: Rebels trample on a bust of Gaddafi yesterday as they screamed chants claiming that they were going to get him
Victory in sight: Rebel fighters celebrate near a partially obscured golf buggy belonging to Gaddafi inside the leader's compound
Victory in sight: Rebel fighters celebrate near a partially obscured golf buggy belonging to Gaddafi inside the leader's compound
If the cap fits...: Colonel Gaddafi (left) pictured in military uniform in 2009 and (right), a rebel proudly shows off the same cap after ransacking the dictator's compound earlier today If the cap fits...: Colonel Gaddafi (left) pictured in military uniform in 2009 and (right), a rebel proudly shows off the same cap after ransacking the dictator's compound earlier today
If the cap fits...: Colonel Gaddafi (left) pictured in military uniform in 2009 and (right), a rebel proudly shows off the same cap after ransacking the dictator's compound
A rebel fighter picks a slightly odd place to keep a couple of bullets as he smiles in the renamed Martyr's Square in central Tripoli
A rebel fighter picks a slightly odd place to keep a couple of bullets as he smiles in the renamed Martyr's Square in central Tripoli
Fire! A rebel launches a round from his gun towards Gaddafi's compound
Fire! A rebel launches a round from his gun towards Gaddafi's compound

Inside the dictator's fortress

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